Assignment 1 – Two side of the story final submission


We are not born with gender and it is not something we have or acquire , it is what we do and what we surrounds us that adds the dimension of gender. Sex is the biological classification for our reproductive ‘type’ , gender is implied by society.

Biological factors are not responsible for girls wearing dresses or boys playing with toy cars, this is learned behaviour from the society that they grow up in.  Society is easy to accept a woman in the male role but not the other way round. It is acceptable for a woman to wear trousers, wear a tie and dress more ‘masculine’. There is however a double standard in that society does not readily accept men wearing dresses (Kilts aside).

Why does this double standard exist? Why is it ok for a woman to wear a trouser suit and tie but not for a man to wear a dress?

Does gender neural even exist or is it simply men’s clothing sized to ‘fit all’?

In this assignment I have explored how first impressions or responses can be altered merely by a change of clothing. I looked at various options for this assignment but I was not overly pleased with my initial communication of ideas.

This final attempt demonstrates the theory effectively as we can look to one set of images and see a person getting dressed, they seem to exude ‘masculinity’ and strength.

The second set of images sets out to present the same person in alternative clothing, the majority of people would assume that this same person lives a different lifestyle than the person in the previous set. The viewer may also question their sexuality…



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Contact Sheets:

Assignment 1 – Contact sheets


Research Cindy Sherman

Assignment 1 – Gender

Social media

Developing ideas

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Alternative Ideas:

Gender – Alternative approach

Assignment 1 – Gender Couples

Another option

Assignment 1 – Two sides of the story