Assignment 5 – Tutor Feedback

Really pleased yet again with the positive comments, I’m impressed that I made it to the end of Context and Narrative and surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I have learnt a lot during this unit, about myself as well as the need to step back and consider my choices. I have also learnt more about the power of research and exploration, which I hope to continue.

A5_Wendy_Rose_C&N (1)

I have a little work to do to try to improve the lighting in my image so I am going to make the most of my daughter being away for a week. I am going to set up some lights that I can more around and play with in the hope that I can cast the door in my image to darkness and make theĀ  mirror area stand out. Once I get the winning combination I can hopefully convince her to spare me an hour or two for an attempted retake.

I have applied for November’s assessment as well as signed up for the next module, hopefully I can go back over this unit and tidy up loose ends and make any adjustments needed for assessment. I also need to print my images as so far throughout the entirety of Context and Narrative I have not printed a single image so I need to consider my presentation around this.