Patrick & Eddie

After seeing Alec Soth’s selection on Desert Island Pics and his reference to being inspired / remaking photographs I couldn’t help but see the resemblance of one of his choices to ‘Patrick Palm Sunday’

As soon as the image was shown on the screen I saw it immediately … Eddie by Louis Faurer was the epitome of Patrick.

The simple expression, head tilted.The flowers/ palm frond in the subjects right hand , Eddie holds a paper under his arm whilst Patrick holds what we presume is a bible.

I was so excited by this thought that I tweeted Alec Soth @ littlebrownmushroom  to ask if Patrick was his ‘remake’ of Eddie, stupidly I had thought it was called ‘Elliot’ when I tweeted (I really should check my notes first) but he got the gist. He replied to say that he hadn’t thought of that, but yes… I was left beaming like a Cheshire cat, I had uncovered an inspiration behind Patrick, affectionately known nowadays as ‘My Patrick’ at my house.