Peer review

In deciding on my final set and direction I choose to share my post for peer review. This can be seen here:

The overall consensus was that the first set of ‘Feeling’ images were stronger which is what I am leaning towards after looking at them for a few days. However they need tightening as a set to make them stronger.

One comment I received which was interesting is that the first set also conveyed feelings about age and dementia, so it connects on another level which I had not considered.

A few other ideas came out of the discussion which might be useful for the re-work of this assignment. I like the idea of focusing on the hands signing and presenting them as some kind of slide show with subtitles so that the viewer is put in a similar place to a deaf person. Maybe adding white noise, tinnitus to the experience, not quite sure how I can achieve this, I might need to look into adding sound, maybe it would need to be created in power point.

Selections and layouts

In an effort to make selections today for assignment two I printed around 35 images which I favoured from around 200 that I had taken and laid these out in various groupings. I then decided to try cropping them square and laying them out, aesthetically I preferred this square crop and layout. The images feel more confined.

My next issue is do I choose more of the ‘feeling’ of being deaf which drastically limits my choices of images or deafness in general.


The ones of deafness in general offer an insight into a deaf world although far too obvious, nether the less important to a deaf person.

Deaf world:


I have lost my mojo during this assignment and as much as I have tried I seem unable to restore it before the deadline. Therefore I have decided to select from the images I have taken so far and then brace myself for a major rework!

I think my biggest stumbling block was trying to show what is actually ‘unseen’ . It was too easy / obvious to keep taking images that show signs of deafness but these in reality can be seen. Perhaps some are less obvious but I am concerned that it takes me away from the point of the exercise. I have tried to use slow shutter speed and zoom to experiment with showing how deafness felt to me during my research but it is really out of my comfort zone and I cannot say that I like the images but perhaps this is because it is a style I am unfamiliar with. I had wanted to experiment with cutting, sewing and doing something to the images but again this is not in my comfort zone but I am looking to explore this following on from my initial submission.




Well I never! I was trying to shoot something by pausing the subtitles on the TV and guess what? Subtitles do not pause with the screen! That has scuppered another plan as slow shutter speed and panning are not getting my desired effect with the screen in movement! 

Back to the drawing Board. 

Image groups so far

I still have more to take but I was keen to see how they might look and what they might convey.

deafness 3-1
The first image shows the confusion my mum often displays when she doesn’t understand, yet she always just nods and continues.

The second shows the facial expressions and exaggeration used in sign.

Third and fourth show sign

Fifth shows the reflection of the tv with the subtitles on

Sixth , hands are resting

Seventh, a bit too obvious but I included the book I found on the school and ‘Deaf News’

The last one is my mum feeling the music to see how loud it is, a trick often used as I was growing up.

Similar but all cropped to the same orientation and a few image changes

deafness 6-1
This one shows more dialect between others and the frustration at the end of trying to simultaneously read eyes, lips and hands of multiple people to stay in the loop (so to speak)

This focuses only on the frustration of following conversation without sound. The flurry of hands, the blurring of lips and the constant movement alongside the sounds already in your head which is tiresome and feels like too much to take at times.

Empty mind

Frustratingly I am struggling to find a success way to capture deafness or the feeling of deafness without using the obvious. I have looked over the images taken so far and again I am finding that I am disappointed with the results. I have tried experimenting with slow shutter speed and panning to try and covey the feeling more however this is a style I only dipped into on EYV and it still feels alien to me, I cant be sure that they work.

I still have a few more things to capture so perhaps they will help bring things together. I am also concerned that the lighting hues vary too much as they were taken on different days so I might need to consider the use of monochrome to bring them together. But this would contradict the fact that deaf people are more visual and quite often are drawn to colour in a world that is silent.

Capturing sound would be difficult enough but capturing the absence of sound seems doubly so, I’m starting to think I should have chosen ‘pain’ or props instead. I was hoping to capture the feeling of deafness but this is difficult without it being misconstrued.

History research

In researching the feeling of being deaf I have also dipped into some of the history of deaf culture. Most of what I came across focused on the deaf culture in America however I came across a book entitled ‘ A Tower of strength’ by Patrick Beaver which is actually a history about The Royal School for Deaf Children Margate, the same school my Mother and Aunt attended. The first school that was founded was actually called the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb prior to this many deaf were sent to workhouses or mental hospitals, they were regarded as ‘backwards’.

Aristotle is quoted as saying ‘Men that are born deaf are in all cases dumb; that is to say, they can make vocal noises but they cannot speak…all become senseless and incapable of reason’

Early Roman law allowed that infants born deaf could be thrown into rivers or otherwise disposed of, they were considered to be undeserving of life. Deafness was considered to be an affliction from God and they were incapable of faith as faith relied on hearing the word of God.

It wasnt until the 15th Century that this idea started to change, and by the 17th century more scholars become involved.

In 1670 George Sibscota wrote in The Deaf and Dumb Mans Discourse ‘They are capable of reason and can gain knowledge by sight, can write, converse by signs, lip read and speak’

Charles Michel Abbe de L’Epee founded the first free school for the Deaf in Paris in 1779, it wasnt until 1792 that the Asylum for Deaf Children opened in London, which later became The Royal School for Deaf Children.

I consider those attending the Royal School for Deaf Children lucky as they were taught with a combined method which used Signing, lip-reading and speech, In America many of the Deaf were banned from using sign and were only allowed to express themselves orally with speech which for many was virtually impossible. They were not encouraged to develop their own language and this did not change or come to public knowledge until the 1960’s – 1970’s when the play Children of a Lesser God by Mark Medoff (Later a film) drew attention to it.

Speaking to my mother she claims to have always used sign at school although it is strange to look at her school reports which also reference the strength / quality of the students ‘voice’ so they did continue the combined method.

In acquiring the book ‘ A Tower of Strength’ I also come across a photo of an outdoor sewing class in Goring-on-Thames , in this photo I spotted my Aunt. My Aunt is no longer with us but it was lovely that my Mother could see this and reminisce as well as sharing it with my cousin.


Being deaf

I have been researching how it ‘feels’ to be deaf, I have used two techniques to try to achieve this.

Firstly I have sat indoors with noise cancelling headphones on and watched the television with subtitles:

This gave me headaches as I heard the constant whoosh of my blood and felt my pulse beating in between my ears. My mother has always said that her deafness is not silent and that she hears noises but she cannot describe them , perhaps this is it. Watching subtitles is another headache as I felt my eyes continually flicking between the words and the image. I could not follow the story with just one and not the other. It was exhausting!

2017-10-04 20.32.36

Secondly I have ventured outside with ‘in ear’ defenders that reduce my hearing to the point of very hard of hearing:

This left me feeling vulnerable, it also gave me more headaches as I felt a constant pressure in my head. I could feel every step I took and the vibration of my body walking, crossing the road, a simple task I presumed, just stop and wait for the green man but I still need to look to feel safe to cross. Without a green man it becomes more troublesome as I cannot hear any oncoming cars, I rely on my eyes to do all of the work, I could pick up the sound of a siren albeit extremely muted but I could not place its direction. Wandering around the shops I would get knocked as someone bustled past, I imagine they may have apologised but I wouldn’t know, all I knew was that it made me jump. I could hear muffled sounds as people spoke which made me frown as I tried to work out what they were saying. I felt excluded from the world! I usually like my own company but in this experiment I felt that was all I had. It was difficult to concentrate, even on typing words into my phone was taking more time than usual, I think my brain was too busy trying to adjust and fill in blanks. I took far too many nurofen on this day, the pressure I felt was immense, it felt like I was holding my breath but I knew I wasn’t.

2017-10-22 10.58.42-2

These experiments have left me wondering how I can possibly show the ‘feeling’ of deafness in an image? My mind is now blank…